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GWF MTW coder


Elvaco deliver high-quality meters for electricity, water and heat metering. We collaborate with some of the largest actors on the market to be able to offer flexible and cost-effective solutions that meet all our customers' needs.

GWF MTW coder

GWF MTWcoder is a multijet meter for warm and cold water metering with a high accuracy, even at low water flows. Registered meter values are read optically and communicated to a receiving system by M-Bus.
  • Total: 4
  • Total: 4


Conexiones eléctricas

Características electricas

Especificaciones ambientales

Sensor de temperatura, margen de error

Sensor de humedad, margen de error

Interfaz de usuario


Wireless M-Bus

Maestro M-Bus integrado

Receptores inalámbricos M-Bus

Interfaz esclava M-Bus


Almacenamiento de datos (ejemplos)

Red móvil

Red fija (Ethernet)



Connections and Interfaces
