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Water Industry

High quality water metering with the right technology for all ranges and quantities. 

Although covering about 70% of our planet’s surface, only 3% is freshwater and two thirds of that is out of reach being frozen into glaciers. Globally water is scarce resource, and regions with abundant supplies also faces increasing challenges with the restoration and expansion of the distribution grid. There are all reasons to treat your water resources with care and keep it well managed.

We deliver high quality meters from e.g. GWF, Itron and Kamstrup with high precision and durability. In our meter portfolio we can offer the right technology depending on your specific needs, regardless if it's submetering of apartments or large scale bulk metering. However, metering without connectivity is a two legged chair. With Elvaco’s solutions for collection of wired and wireless meters you will have a robust system with the flexibility to meet tomorrow’s challenges in water metering.


Remote metering services

  • Fixed price - per metering point including communication and SIM card

  • Monitoring - of meters and consumption patterns

  • Integration - to your existing economy- or energy systems 

  • No lock-up time - and you can at any time turn on/off the services for your meters

  • High quality - of delivery of your meter values for correct billing


M-Bus Metering Gateway 
for mobile network

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PadPuls M2


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Elvaco Services

Remote- and sub

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Sub metering and billing

Correct and fair water billing 
To measure water on individual basis allows for a more fair tenant cost as they will only pay for their actual usage. They can also adjust their consumption and thereby lower their costs and the overall consumption of the building. 

Visualisation for tenants 
With MinEnergi Hemma the tenants will be able to follow their consumption on a daily basis. It is also possible to add normal consumption patterns for comparison as well as the actual costs involved.