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Job Angebote bei Elvaco

Elvaco ist ein wachsendes Unternehmen mit talentierten, bodenständigen Menschen, die das gewisse Extra liefern wollen und dabei auch noch Spaß haben!


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Welcome Eva

Welcome Eva

We welcome Eva Sjöhed who during January started working at the sales department at Elvaco. Eva has taken on the role as Account Manager for Stockholm and Northern Sweden.

Eva has extensive experience in sales and most recently from Multivac in Stockholm, where she worked in Technical Sales. She now looks forward to meeting our customers, even if it will be digitally in the beginning. In her free time, Eva finds relaxation in the nature, and she also spends a lot of time with her family and pets.

"I look forward to taking on new challenges here at Elvaco together with my new colleagues!"

A warm welcome, we hope you will like it here at Elvaco!


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